The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After graduating with an engineering undergrad degree, I liked Penn State so much that I returned 3 years later to get an MBA. I also was fortunate to meet my wife, Debbie, also a Penn Stater, and we were married in 1984. The next 25 years have gone by too fast. We now have one in college (sorry, not a Penn Stater) and one in middle school. We get to 2-3 football games a year - and now may need to see a few basketball games (NIT Champs, baby!). Penn State will always be a big part of our past, present, and future. I am enjoying my work as a Vice President with Gartner, helping clients make technology decisions. Debbie is riding the ups and downs of the housing market as a realtor. Our kids are great. Life is good. Go State!